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Since 2001, the Speaker’s Advisory Committee for Works of Art has appointed an official artist for each General Election. The artist follows the campaign trails around the UK and produces an artwork or artworks based on their observations. In 2015, Adam Dant brought his creative eye to the election. He shadowed the activities of all the main political parties and recorded his experience in ‘lightning sketches,’ filling over two dozen notebooks. These visual records informed his final work: an ink drawing on paper which serves as a ‘General Election Campaign Archive.’ The image brings together over 100 stories and events which the artist experienced on the election trail. ‘The Government Stable’ therefore brings together a ‘grand narrative,’ Dant explains, ‘knitted together as an encyclopaedic compendium.’ 

‘The Government Stable’ by Adam Dant

In this online exhibition, we have focused in on 10 of the scenes that form the bigger picture. Zoom into the artwork, and drag the image to see all the details. Click on the marked rectangles on the artwork to discover more. You can make this interactive viewer full screen using the button in the top right hand corner.

You will find a full key to the artwork, explaining over 100 parts of the composition, at the end of this online exhibition. 

loading spinning graphic

The Government Stable, Drawing by Adam Dant ©UK Parliament WOA 7483

About the artist

Adam Dant (born 1967) tells visual stories through pen and ink drawings and printmaking. He works in the tradition of early printmakers who depicted everyday and urban life. He evokes 18th century sketch artists and the early coffee houses of London, which were busy hubs of political, literary, and artistic exchange. Dant is also interested in historical events that parallel what is happening now. His work as official election artist in 2015 channels these influences to capture the ‘zeitgeist of the moment.’   

Watch the film

This three part video bring us Adam Dant’s journey to creating his election artwork.

Full key to the artwork

View the full key to ‘The Government Stable’, with over 100 points picked out (pdf).

More election artists

Visit our online exhibition for 2019 Election Artist Nicky Hirst

In 2017, the official Election Artist was Cornelia Parker. Watch her digital artwork here