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    AFC 000956


    House of Commons Chamber gallery panelling with moulded top edge, hinges present and a dead bolt attached. There are two pieces of white tape attached to one side of the object that is securing nai...

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    AFC 000957


    House of Commons Chamber gallery panelling with moulded top edge, hinges present and a dead bolt attached. There are three pieces of white tape attached to one side of the object that is securing n...

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    AFC 001138


    Section of panelling featuring three plain panels surrounded with ogee, cavetto and chamferred moulded frames. There is white paint splatter throughout the front side

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    AFC 000106

    Decorative panelling

    Oak panel with decorative tracery design with two quatrefoil flower motifs in the centre.

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    AFC 000154

    Panelling section

    Oak panelling with 4 linenfold panels, and dog tooth moulding at the waist rail.

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    AFC 000321

    Oak panelling

    Oak panelling comprising of a framed recessed panel with a central divide. There is a red and white sticket on the front reading 'Bishop's Move' etc.

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    AFC 000322

    Oak panelling

    Light oak panelling. Comprises of two larger middle panels with two smaller end panels. Each panel is framed in cavetto moulding and there are joins visible on the top and bottom edge.

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    AFC 000323

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring six full linenfold panels on ogee and chamfer moulded frames, and two half linenfold panels at one end. There is white writing on the reverse.

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    AFC 000324

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of panelling featuring three linenfold panels in ogee and chamfer moulded frames.

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    AFC 000325

    Linenfold panelling

    L-shaped section of oak panelling with 14 linenfold panels in cavetto and chamfer moulded frames..

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    AFC 000326

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of oak panelling with sixlinenfold panels in ogee moulded frames. There is ogee moulded skirting attched to the bottom edge of the object.

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    AFC 000327

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of oak panelling with six panels of linenfold in ogee and chamfer moulded frames. There are two partial frames on one side; one containing a partial linenfold panel and the other one empty....

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    AFC 000328

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring eight linenfold panels, in cavetto moulded frames. Sections of joins are visble on the bottom edge. There is white writing on the reverse side which is illegible.

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    AFC 000329

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring seven linenfold panels in chamfered edge frames. One linenfold panel appears missing and in its place is a plain panel with a misisng central square.

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    AFC 000342

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring four plain panels in chamfered edge frames. There are sections of join visible on the bottom edge.

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    AFC 000343

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of oak panelling with two linenfold panels in ogee and chamfer moulded frames. There is a green sticker on the front of the object with a logo reading 'Bishops Move'.

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    AFC 000350

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring three framed panels in ogee and chamfer moulded frames. There are various fixing holes throughout.

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    AFC 000353

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of panelling featuring 12 linenfold panels with chamfer and cavetto moulded frames. There is split joins visible on one edge.

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    AFC 000355

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of oak panelling consisting of 12 linenfold panels in cavetto and chamfered edge frames. There is split joins visible on one edge.

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    AFC 000384

    Section of linenfold panelling

    Section of single oak linenfold panel in an ogee and chamfer moulded frame.

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    AFC 000877

    Oak panelling

    Carved oak panelling with ogee and chamfer moulded details. The panelling appears to be fitted around a trapezoid shape. The front has been stained with drops of white paint.

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    AFC 000880

    Oak panelling

    Single oak panel with ogee and chamfer moulded edges. All fixings have been removed from the object and the front side is stained with drops of white paint.

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    AFC 000881

    Oak panelling

    Oak panelling with hinged post. The single panel is framed in ogee and chamfer moulding. The reverse has a metal brace attached with one embedded nail. There is a white and green sticker attached t...

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    AFC 000882

    Oak panelling

    Oak panelling with hinged post. The single panel is framed in ogee and chamfer moulding.

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    AFC 000890

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling with nine plain panels present in ogee moulded frames, and space for three additional panels.

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    AFC 000891

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 4 plain panels in ogee moulded frames with two untreated joins on the bottom.

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    AFC 000892

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling with 12 plain panels within ogee moulded frames.Varnished.

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    AFC 000893

    Linenfold panelling

    Four linenfold panels in ogee moulded frame, with a missing fifth panel.

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    AFC 000894

    Oak panelling

    Section of panelling with 8 plain panels.

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    AFC 000895

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 15 plain panels in straight chamfered frames. Four metal fixings and four unfinished wood joins observed on the bottom edge, with several jagged pieces of broken ...

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    AFC 000896

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 8 plain panels in ogee moulded frames.

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    AFC 000897

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 8 plain panels in chamfered edge frames. With three embedded nails on one edge and a stained finish.

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    AFC 000898

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 15 plain panels in straight chamfered frames.

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    AFC 000899

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 9 linenfold panels in ogee moulded frames, with several cut holes for joints. Wood is finished in a dark stain.

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    AFC 000900

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of panelling that hold three linenfold panels in ogee moudled frames.

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    AFC 000901

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 10 plain panels in ogee moulded frames, with half of one panel missing.

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    AFC 000902

    Section of panelling

    Section of panelling with six sections for panels, two of which containing linenfolds.

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    AFC 000903

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 10 linenfold panels within pencil moulded frames, two of which are missing. Several roman numeral markings on the back and a painted label reading ?From Dining Ro...

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    AFC 000904

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak linenfold panelling with 10 panels, five of which are missing. Several holes and stained throughout.

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    AFC 000905

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 10 panels held within ogee moulded frames. Varnished finish.

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    AFC 000906

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring eight plain panels held within ogee moulded frames.

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    AFC 000907

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 8 plain panels with ogee moulded frames and one untreated join.

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    AFC 000908

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling with 18 flat panels in chamferred frames. Some metal fixings and joints present.

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    AFC 000909

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling with nine plain panels in moulded frames.

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    AFC 000910

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 6 plain panels in ogee moulded frames in a light stain wash.

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    AFC 000911

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 8 plain panels within ogee moulded frames. Lower structural elements of the panelling are still visible, with a tennon at each end that would have helped attached...

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    AFC 000912

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of panelling featuring three panels that have a carved linenfold design with foliage details.

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    AFC 000913

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 6 plain panels in ogee moulded frames.

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    AFC 000914

    Oak Linenfold panelling

    Section of panelling featuring 4 linenfold panels held within ogee mouded frames, with a varnished finish. Chalk and pencil inscriptions on reverse.

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    AFC 000915

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring four plain panels held within chamferred edge frames.

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    AFC 000916

    Oak panelling

    Oak panelling featuring 6 panels; 2 short linenfold panels to the base, 2 long linen fold panels to centre, and 2 panels at the top that are carved with swirling foliage surrounded a banner motif. ...

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    AFC 000917

    Oak Linenfold panelling

    Section of panelling featuring 4 linenfold panels in ogee moulded frames with a varnished finish.

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    AFC 000919

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of panelling with 5 linenfold panels in ogee frames with a varnished finish.

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    AFC 000935

    Oak Linenfold panelling

    Section of panelling featuring 5 linenfold panels in ogee moulded frames with a varnished finish. Twelve cut holes and six joins observed.

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    AFC 000942

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 4 plain panels with a dark stained finish. Writing on the top edge in blue reads 'Wics Gate 2'.

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    AFC 001144

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring two deep set plain wood panels in reeding and chamfer moulded frames.

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    AFC 001269

    Panelling section

    Section of oak panelling with two panels each of which has carved tracery details. There is also a pierced decorative section at the bottom of the panel.

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    AFC 001484

    Wainscot panelling

    Section of wainscot panelling with 2 panels and stiles with ogee and cavetto moulded edges.

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    AFC 001515

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 12 linenfold panels in ogee moulded frames, with a dark stained finish.

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    AFC 001520

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling with four panels in chamferred edge frames. Possible used as a false door.

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    AFC 001541

    Oak panelling

    Tall section of oak panelling containing four linenfold panels, three full length and then one shorter at the base of the panel. The smaller panel is placed between two linear carved details.

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    AFC 001577

    Oak panelling

    Section of panelling with 5 plain panels in ogee moulded frames.

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    AFC 001578

    Section of oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling with dado rail attached at top. Each section of the panel is linenfold in an ogee and chamferred frame, and they alternate in colour between a light and dark finish. The se...

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    AFC 001580

    Section of panelling

    Section of oak panelling with 6 panels of varying size in double ogee frames. Panel also has skirting attached at the base.

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    AFC 001593

    Linenfold panelling

    Large section of dark stained oak panelling containing 12 linenfold panels in ogee moulded frames.

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    AFC 001594

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 12 plain panels within ogee moulded frames.

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    AFC 001595

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 16 linenfold panels within chamfered edge frames.

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    AFC 001596

    Oak panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring 12 plain panels within ogee moulded frames.

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    AFC 001597

    Oak panelling

    Large section of oak panelling with 12 plain panels in ogee moulded frames.

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    AFC 002376

    Plain panelling

    Single section of plain oak panelling, painted red on the reverse.

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    AFC 004489

    Carved panelling

    Section of carved panelling that features a rectangular repeating pattern along the top, and a layered petal like design along the lower section of the panel.

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    AFC 001584

    Panelling section

    Section of softwood panelling with 2 linenfold panels in stick moulded frames to the lower section, and two plain panels in ogee moulded frames to the top. The panel is flanked by 2 x 8sides posts ...

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    AFC 000347

    Linenfold panelling

    Section of oak panelling featuring three linenfold panels surrounded by pencil moulded frames, and space for an additional linenfold.

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    AFC 000004

    Linenfold panel

    Single oak linenfold panel

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    AFC 000105

    Linenfold panel

    Single unframed oak linenfold panel. Remnants of white plaster is found on the reverse of the object.

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    AFC 000107

    Linenfold panel

    Single unframed oak double linenfold panel. The object once had multiple bands of tape around the object, so appears unnaturally sectioned.

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    AFC 000330

    Oak panel door

    Singel panel oak door with double reeded and chamfer moulding. There is a white and green sticker on the front with a logo that reads 'Bishop's Move'. There are two brass hinges and a bolt lock on ...

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    AFC 000331

    Linenfold panel

    Section of a single framed linenfold oak panel. The frame has ogee and chamfer moulding. There is black writing on the reverse that reads 'Bottom B'.

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    AFC 000334

    Linenfold panel

    Single oak linenfold panel within an ogee and chamfer moulded frame.

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    AFC 000335

    Linenfold panel

    Single linenfold oak panel within double ogee and chamfer moulded frame. There are white paint marks on the front of the object and evidence of hinges having been removed from one edge.

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    AFC 000338

    Oak panel

    Single oak panel within ogee and chamfer moulded frame. There is clear indication of door fixings having been removed. There is a segment of newspaper found in one hinge recess.

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    AFC 000339

    Linenfold panel

    Single oak linenfold panel within an ogee, chamfer and cavetto moulded frame.

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    AFC 000372

    Linenfold panel

    Single framed oak linenfold panel with supporting beam of wood extending from bottom right. The oanel is framed in ogee, cavetto and chamfer moulding.

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    AFC 000373

    Linenfold panel door

    Single linenfold oak panel door with drop handle and trefoil decorated escutcheon on the left hand side, as well as hinges still present on the right hand side.

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    AFC 000374

    Linenfold panel

    Section of unframed oak linenfold panelling.

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    AFC 000375

    Linenfold panel

    Section of unframed oak linenfold panelling.

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    AFC 000376

    Linenfold panel

    Section of unframed oak linenfold panelling.

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    AFC 000377

    Linenfold panel

    Section of unframed oak linenfold panelling.

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    AFC 000378

    Linenfold panel

    Section of unframed oak linenfold panelling.

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    AFC 000379

    Linenfold panel

    Section of unframed oak linenfold panelling.

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    AFC 000380

    Linenfold panel

    Section of unframed oak linenfold panelling.

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    AFC 000416

    Decorative panel

    Carved oak panel containing design made up of 3 shield motifs surrounded by scrolling ribbon and fabric. Has a small sticker at one end with '742 AFJ/16' handwritten on it.

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    AFC 000417

    Decorative panel

    Carved oak panel with cutout design made up of quatrefoil motifs surrounded by scrolling foliage, possible thistle motifs and ribbons. The panel has a green painted finish. There is a small white l...

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    AFC 000418

    Oak rail

    Carved oak panel rail with crenellated mouldings.

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    AFC 000420

    Decorative panel

    Carved oak panel with decorative blind fretwork made up of floral motifs within lozenge shaped sections with internal quatrefoils, with tracery details between each lozenge.

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    AFC 000421

    Oak rail

    Carved oak rail with crenellated mouldings.